The Rainbow Refugee Committee (RRC) is the only body that truly represents the interests and needs of LGBTQIA+ people in Belgium affected by asylum.

The members of its board of directors have experienced the same realities as the people it cares for and are therefore better qualified to speak on behalf of the diversity of experiences of LGBTQIA+ people undergoing forced migration, with a view to ensuring that the responses provided to their needs by the public authorities and the voluntary sector are as appropriate as possible for their specific needs.

Mission and Activities

Rainbow Refugee Mentoring: refugee mentors accompany asylum seekers so that the mentors, having gone through all the stages of the asylum procedure, can support the mentees in their efforts to have their refugee status recognised.

Front-Line Support: Individual counselling, psycho-medico-social reorientation, socio-legal support and advice.

Empow’HER : individual reception, information and support service designed by and for women from the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community who have (over)experienced forced migration.

Follow us to stay updated!

The Rainbow Refugee Committee does not benefit from structural subsidies.
Therefore we need your financial support to be able to continue to carry out our essential work.

You can make a contribution to ‘Rainbow Refugee Committee‘ mentioning that it concerns a ‘DONATION’ to

BE59 5230 8145 5726 (TRIODOS)

Get in touch!

+32 (0) 491 76 99 26
