Le Umbrella Refugee Committee pour les Réfugiés apporte un soutien aux most vulnerable refugees grâce à une approche basée sur les données.

Thanks to the action of our Mobile Teams and our emergency shelter’s managers, we are currently able to reach homeless forcibly displaced migrants, gather data on their situations and needs, and provide guidance to improve their circumstances.

One of the lastest examples of this effort was the information session for homeless refugees organised on May 2nd, 2024 at the Community Center. Our Umbrella Refugee Committees’ representatives listened to the attendees’ needs, provided them with advice and complimentary food, and distributed emergency questionnaires to collect evidence on their conditions.

The results of this data gathering revealed a widespread lack of information regarding administrative procedures, poor or nonexistent access to health, food and legal services, mental health issues, and insecurity due to street violence.

Homeless refugees session at the Community Centre (02/05/2024).
On stage, from right to left: Doris Nduwayo (Burundian & Women Refugee Committee), Mouna Alhalbi (Syrian & Women Refugee Committee), Najeem Zarabi (Afghan Refugee Committee), Ahmad Wali Ahmad Yar (President of the Umbrella Refugee Committee), and member of the translation service.
